Maternity benefit

Submitting an application

If you meet the eligibility criteria, you may submit an application for maternity benefit to us.

To ensure you are able to fill in the online application quickly and easily, gather the following information before you start:

  • Child’s due date
  • Details of your health insurance
  • Details of your current employment relationship
  • Your tax identification number (tax ID)
  • Your bank account details

Your application should also be accompanied by two documents which you can scan and send to us along with the online application:

Auszug aus dem Formular "Bescheinigung über eine Beschäftigung zur Vorlage bei der Mutterschaftsgeldstelle"
For download

Bescheinigung über eine Beschäftigung (confirmation of employment)

Please print out the confirmation form and ask your employer to complete all sections. The form must be signed and stamped with the company stamp. The supporting documents mentioned on the confirmation form should also be attached. Check carefully whether the information provided by your employer is correct and complete. If you do not agree, clarify the discrepancies.

confirmation of employment (PDF / 46,42 KB)
Muster "Zeugnis über den mutmaßlichen Tag der Entbindung"

Zeugnis über den voraussichtlichen Entbindungstermin (proof of due date)

This is a template for proof of due date (before the birth). For an application after the birth, please provide the your child’s birth certificate.


After you have submitted the application, you can print out your documents. The online application is valid without a signature. This means you do not also need to submit your application/print-out by post.

By submitting the application, you confirm that the information you have provided is true and you understand that you must pay back any wrongfully received maternity benefit.

Click here to go to the online application

After we have checked your application, you will be sent confirmation of receipt by post as soon as possible.

Paper application

As an alternative to submitting your application online, you can download the
application form (PDF / 254,30 KB) here. You can then complete the form, sign it and send it to us by post along with the other documents. However, please note that it takes longer to process paper applications.

Originals are destroyed

We archive the documents you submit to us (e.g. birth certificate, proof of due date) in electronic form only and destroy the originals. This means you will not receive the originals back. However, you can obtain a certified copy from us if required.